Utility Bill Analysis & Corrections

Universal Basic IncomeOriginal photo source: "Money Count" by Pictures of Money

Are Your Electricity Bills Accurate?

Are you overpaying for the electricity in your commercial facility? You may be losing money to overbilling and other inaccuracies.

Fortunately, when you’re a customer of Hadley Energy Solutions, we provide a utility bill analysis service. Our company includes a division that specializes in analyzing and correcting billing errors on utility bills. The initial analysis is free!

If we find savings, our fee is based on a percentage of the actual savings we find in your utility bills. If we don’t find savings, you pay nothing! We’re one of the very few companies that offer this service.

The process is simple. You give us access to the past two years of your utility bills. We analyze them, and we present the savings to you. You’ll give us written permission to contact the utility company on your behalf to negotiate the changes made to your utility account. After the changes are made, we’ll track your utility bills over the next year and present you with your savings each quarter. After the first year, you gain the full savings amount.

For more details about how we can help you save with a utility bill analysis, please call Hadley Energy Solutions today. Remember — the initial analysis is a free service for our customers!

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